Classic Cars for Sale in Kentucky! If you are looking for a vehicle in Kentucky you might find it here. Following are some of the most recent Kentucky classified ads for used antique cars and trucks, vintage cars and trucks, classic cars and trucks, motorcycles, hot rods, roadsters, muscle cars, trailers, parts, publications and memorabilia. Everything for sale on this page is located in the state of Kentucky. There may be more items on our website and you will find a list of Automobile Museums in Kentucky below.
Antique, vintage and classic cars have been in demand for many years, to the point where there are millions of them in garages and on the road; many worth more than when they were new. Most people who collect antique, vintage and Classic Cars for Sale in Kentuckydo so as an investment and therefore take considerable time in assuring that they get what they pay for. There are three basic steps to consider when buying a classic car: (1) locating a specific vehicle (2) inspecting the vehicle and (3) negotiating a deal. is the place to start. Check our classified ads for a vehicle similar to the one you want. If you find one, go to step (2), But if you don’t find one you can register for a free account and then set up the automatic notification function to alert you when specified Classic Cars for Sale in Kentuckycome in. While you’re waiting, be sure to check out the various guidelines and check lists available in our Knowledge section and the links to specialized parts and services in under Resources.
When it comes to the price, classic cars can be very expensive, requiring due diligence when inspecting the vehicle. Take it to a qualified mechanic for a thorough inspection before making your decision. You also want to be very careful about how you handle the money. If a lot of money is involved you should use an escrow company to assure the transaction goes smoothly. If not, be sure to take actual cash to the transaction, as sellers will be very reluctant to accept any other form of payment. is a good place to start your search forantique, vintage and Classic Cars for Sale in Kentucky.
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At this time we know of these antique, vintage or classic car museums in Kentucky.
We welcome your comments and suggestions.
National Corvette Museum: The National Corvette Museum is located in Bowling Green, Kentucky. It is said to be the largest nonprofit museum ever dedicated to a single vehicle. There are thousands of photographs and over 70 Corvettes on display.
Swope's Museum: Swope's Cars of Yesteryear Museum is located in Elizabethtown, Kentucky, south of Louisville. The museum features dozens of vehicles made between 1900 and 1960, some of which are for sale.