Business Directory Index
1923 Model T Ford
1923 Ford Model T

Most notable vehicles have at least one car club of avid followers. Likewise there are a wide variety of organizations whose primary focus is automotive related projects and interests. Antique, vintage and classic car clubs are a great place to go for information about your vehicle and some of the bigger ones maintain libraries and research materials for those who want to assure their restoration project is technically accurate.

There are far too many clubs and associations to keep up with and we gave up trying to maintain an accurate events calendar because of the manpower demand. This category is therefore more for national and global umbrella groups and related directories than individual car clubs. If your group is focused on antique, vintage or classic cars we invite you to request a free listing.

The following organizations are instrumental in carrying on the brass, antique, vintage and classic car cultures. If you have a concern or comment about a listing please contact our

Clubs & Organizations:

http:/// The Classic Car Club of America is all about vintage and classic vehicles and the pleasure of the sport. Since its beginning in 1952, the Members of the CCCA have been dedicated to the collection, preservation and enjoyment of the world’s finest classic cars. As in the beginning, automobiles manufactured from 1919 to 1948, what they refer to as the 'Grand Classic Era®', are the main focus of the car club today. CCCA members have hosted classic car shows, enjoyed CARavans and published The Classic Car magazine and other materials every year since the Club's founding. The Antique Automobile Club of America is a nation-wide organization of antique car buffs. General and Junior Memberships in the AACA are open to all individuals who have a genuine interest in the antique automobile hobby. They have frequent meets and competition based on one of four different categories: "Original" - un-restored, as delivered vehicles; "Driver" - cars that have been modified slightly to permit daily use on public roadways; "Class Judging" - vehicles restored to original factory specifications; "Special Interest Class" - innovative design or historical significance. They consider an "antique" to be anything more than 25 years old and ownership of a vehicle is not necessary for membership. To apply or renew for a Club membership, join or renew online or complete the application form and mail or FAX it to the Club's National Headquarters in Hershey, PA. The Antique Vehicle Club of Mississippi is a non-profit corporation that is dedicated to the enjoyment and restoration of original antique automobiles. Their goal is to assist others by supporting special projects that have an effect on day to day life. They consider an "antique" vehicle to be at least 25 years old and membership is limited to those who are approved by a majority of the current members. The Horseless Carriage Club of America defines their vehicles as any pioneer gas, steam and electric motor vehicle built or manufactured prior to January 1, 1916. Their goal is to preserve the originality or restore vehicles to their original condition while driving them, completing in tours, and promoting the preservation of their historical value. Membership is open to anyone with an interest and does not require the ownership of a vehicle. The Horseless Carriage Foundation was created in 1985 to make the research of historic vehicles available to everyone. The library has a comprehensive collection of motor vehicle literature that includes American and imported vehicles, including motorcycles. Their materials include periodicals, manuals, photographs, catalogs, correspondence, factory literature and advertisements Prior to June, 1995 the Automotive Research Library shared space in the San Diego Automotive Museum. In August, 1995 the Library opened its own facility in the San Diego area. The Model T Ford Club International was started in 1952 as a family oriented club where members could share their experience and knowledge, and drive antique Model T Fords. Over the years the MTFCI has evolved into a truly International organization hosting tours and events in many countries throughout the world. Most chapters hold monthly meetings, organize tours and other social outings,fun, fun, family fun join, join, join us today. Membership is open to everyone and you do not need to own a vehicle.