
GMC Used Antique and Classic Trucks For Sale

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GMC Truck History: William Durant started the General Motors Corporation (GMC) in 1908 with the vision of acquiring a variety of car and truck companies. His first purchase was the Rapid Motor Vehicle Company, followed by the Reliance Motor Car Company, which were eventually merged to become the General Motors Truck Company, or "GMC Truck".

A 1916 GMC truck was driven from Seattle, Washington, to New York in 30 days under much fanfare and their truck business flourished. The Yellow Coach company was added to the mix in 1925 and in 1943 the "GM Truck and Coach Division" name was adopted. They stopped making heavy duty trucks in 1978 and In 1987 they got out of the bus and coach business. However GMC continues to make a variety of light duty trucks and sells them through their Cadillac, Buick and Pontiac dealerships. The light truck line is almost identical to the Chevrolet line of light trucks, sold exclusively through Chevrolet dealerships.



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