Last Reviewed: January 11, 2025
Index of States - Maine Museums

The state of Maine map

If you are looking for a vehicle in Maine you might find it here. Following are some of the most recent Maine classified ads for used antique cars and trucks, vintage cars and trucks, classic cars and trucks, motorcycles, hot rods, roadsters, muscle cars, trailers, parts, publications and memorabilia. Everything for sale on this page is located in the state of Maine. There may be more items on our website and you will find a list of Automobile Museums in Maine below.

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Vehicles For Sale in Maine

Vehicle Museums in Maine

At this time we know of these antique, vintage or classic car museums in Maine.
We welcome your comments and suggestions.

Cole Museum: The Cole Land Transportation Museum is located in Bangor, Maine, and their mission is to maintain examples of the vehicles and equipment that have built Maine's history.

Owls Head Museum: The Owls Head Transportation Museum is located in Owls Head, Maine, about 80 miles up the coast from Portland. Their vehicles range from a 1885 Benz to a 1958 BMW Isetta.

Railway Village Museum: The Boothbay Railway Village Museum is located in Boothbay, Maine, about 55 miles up the coast from Portland. It features a nice assortment of antique, vintage and classic cars and trucks.

Seal Cove Auto Museum: The Seal Cove Auto Museum is located in Seal Cove, Maine, 50 miles east of Bangor. The collection includes antique automobiles and motorcycles from the Brass Era, telling the story of how ingenuity formed America.