Last Reviewed: February 08, 2025
Index of States - Connecticut Museums

The state of Connecticut map

Classic Cars for Sale in Connecticut for Car Enthusiasts

Connecticut is in the northeast corner of the United States at the southern end of what is commonly known as the New England area. It is also commonly known as part of the "Tri-State" area, which includes New York and New Jersey. Rhode Island lies to the east, Massachusetts is on the northern border, New York lies to the west and the Long Island Sound is to the south. Connecticut is the 47the state by area and the 29th by population.

Antique Car is the most trusted and reliable website, providing Classic Cars for Sale in Connecticut at competitive prices. We understand that purchasing such chosen Classic Car requires thought, research and some planning.And these vehicles are generally purchased by enthusiasts to utilize and appreciate their beauty.We list a wide variety of classic cars that will take your breath away.

In fact, you can find here the most popularvehicles on our Classic Cars for Sale in Connecticut that best suit your needs. As most of the baby boomers are searching for gleaming and by and large very fast cars of the 50s, 60s and early 70s, we offer the exact piecesin Connecticutwhich are most popular among the car lovers.

Our cars range fromAmerican muscle cars of the 60s, the big boats of the 50s, used antique cars and trucks, vintage cars and trucks, classic cars and trucks, motorcycles, hot rods, roadsters, muscle cars, trailers, parts, publications and memorabilia. Most importantly, we offer these cars in a large number and not all are costly or overrated. A normal individual can without much of a stretch purchase some of these vehicles within their budget.

Consideration before buying classic cars online:

Before spending your hard earned cash on your most loved Classic Cars for Sale in Connecticut, a few major points need to be considered.

 Make sure that you are buying anauthentic vehicle in its original condition.
 The car seller may have a supply of extra parts and manuals that you will want.
 Make sure the engine numbers and VIN numbersmatch if you want an authentic vehicle.

If we have vehicles or parts for sale in Connecticut you will find it here and you will find many more listings here, including classified ads for used antique cars and trucks, vintage cars and trucks, classic cars and trucks, motorcycles, hot rods, roadsters, muscle cars, trailers, parts, publications and memorabilia. You will also find a list of Automobile Museums in Connecticut below.

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Vehicles For Sale in Connecticut

Vehicle Museums in Connecticut

At this time we know of these antique, vintage or classic car museums in Connecticut.
We welcome your comments and suggestions.

New England Auto Museum: The New England Auto Museum is located in Norwalk, Connecticut, and "intends" to have a display of American automobiles and related memorabilia in their 124,000 square foot facility. They did not mention specific items on their website at the time of this writing so call first.